Are you looking for a way to reduce interest costs? To extend the repayment time, or perhaps you want to reduce the periodic payment obligations, may be you are seeking for a way to save your home for foreclosure?

If you answer by yes on any of the above questions, so a refinance mortgage is what you need and in this article, I define what a refinancing is, show you how to pick the best home mortgage refinance rates; and go over how to avoid some pitfalls when applying for a refinance.

Refinancing in its common sense is the procedure to apply for a new loan to pay-off a first one. In addition, in the most cases refinancing will modify the loan’s interest rate, and extends the loan’s term. However, a refinancing cannot be profitable without a low home mortgage refinance rates and a low monthly payment. In fact, as long as the prevailing market rate is lower than your existing rate by 1.5 percentage point or more, it is financially beneficial to refinance.

Obviously, the best way to get the low home mortgage refinance rates is by comparing different offers from different lenders. Since the internet has become the most favourable source of information, you can easily find those offers online, and compare many of them because there is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in other one.

When applying for a refinance there are some pitfalls that you should avoid
Like the mortgage pre-payment penalty that is a penalty for paying off your loan early, because the lenders tend to extend the loan period to recover the charge of originating the loan and this kind of penalty come with a low interest rate to entice the borrower. In addition, closing and transaction fees like appraisal fees, title fees, lender fees may outweigh any savings generated through the refinance.

Therefore, you have to pay attention towards your refinance details so it can be profitable.